6 ways to virtually celebrate Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


Holy November- how did we get here? If you are an East Coaster like I am you know that it’s getting a bit chilly out there to host your meal outdoors. Since we have all become zoom experts why not celebrate with your family on zoom and create some new family traditions this year. First of all to start- get dressed, we women love to pick out the perfect outfits for the holidays and there is no reason not to. Even though we can not do the things we normally do it is still a holiday and we can always find new and interesting ways to celebrate. In need of some ideas? Check out these 6 ways you can virtually celebrate Thanksgiving:

  1. COCKTAILS: Create a family cocktail. Send your family care packages with the recipe and ingredients and shake it up together over zoom. 

2. PIE BAKING: Sign up to bake different pies and have a tasting together on zoom. Even though you won’t be able to taste them all it will still be fun to go around and share what you made. 

3. RECIPE SHARE: Cook together! Choose a recipe you can all make and get together virtually from your kitchen. This is a fun way to connect and have some laughs while you are prepping your meal.      

4. GAMES: play a virtual game with your family, check our house party & jackbox TV for some ideas on how you can elevate your holiday this year. P.S. Pictionary is always a favorite of mine!

5. WINE TASTING: send out a list of wines to grab for the table with tasting notes and create your own family wine tasting holiday tradition! Don't forget to do a virtual toast before you taste your wines. 

6. GIVE THANKS: this year has been tough but there is always something to be grateful for. Take turns with your family and share what you are grateful for this year, it is something that warms the heart- just what we all need this year! 

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